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fishing report - Oct 28
Updated: Mon Oct 28, 2024
Fishing report, 28 Oct. Lake level 1.8 ft low, water normal stain, water temperatures 68-71 degrees.
As the lake approaches its annual normal low in late October/early November, around 2 to 2.2 ft low, take a look at this info and how these may effect your or your club's trip.
First off, please remember that there are no reliable lakes lanes in Lake Palestine marked on the lake with buoys or on maps for any lake level.Second, please note that even though the areas of standing stumps are diminishing, each 3 inches of depth loss brings your lower unit closer to more solid tree trunk tops.
The boat launches, as shown on the page "Public Access Facilities" above: The sites A-1 through A-3 are getting shallower, and Chandler may not give access to the lake at all.
Sites B-1 through B-3, Kickapoo and Flat Creek publics are very small and parking areas quickly fill, but Flat Creek Marina, while continuing to improve services, still is very shallow.
The C sites, Campers Cove, Palestine Pines, and Kiloland no longer exist at all, Lake Palestine Marina is very tight and close to rocks, and what is shown as "Lake Palestine Campground" is really the Lake Palestine Resort.
Of the D sites, Cherokee Landing no longer exists and Chimney is not usable for most trailered boats.
Of the major marinas, all are useable, though Lake Palestine Resort is single lane and Flat Creek Marina is shallow and requires some caution. Report by Jim Beggerly, Jim's Fishing Lake Palestine.
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